Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Mmm, pizza good, fandom annoying

First of all, awmp made my new personalized icon. Hand porn! Check out her latest icons here.I took the munchkins out for pizza tonight. It was fun. Came home and watched a little Smallville. I've been watching season two since my sister has the DVDs. I've already seen some of them when they originally aired, but it's easier to follow the plot when you can watch them all in a row without commercial breaks and hiatuses. Yay for DVDs and syndication!So, yeah, I'm feeling the Smallville love. There's just something very charming about it. I'm not sure I want to get fannish about it though. Then I'll feel pressured to feel the Lana hate, and blah blah blah. Sometimes, I really just like enjoying a show without all the fandom drama, you know? It feels like lately, everywhere I go, people are arguing over crap that I could really care less about. I guess since BtVS and AtS are over, people in the fandom need something to get riled up about. I'm not talking about the people on my flist, since ya'll are about the only sane people I can find in fandom lately. It's just that, since the show is over, why do people still feel the need to rag on JM/SMG/Buffy/Spike/Spuffy, or anything else I like? If you don't like these characters, or the show, why are you *still* talking about it? Then again, a lot of these folks are the same ones who complained about the last three seasons of the show, and still wouldn't stop watching and spare us their inane bitching.Basically, fandom's been pissing me off lately, so I'm not too keen on it. Or maybe it's just PMS. Who knows?