Thursday, August 23, 2007

Random "I'm not dead" post

ABC Memeacquired from spacedoutlooney.A - Accent: Southern, but not *too* Southern, you know?B - Bra Size: I'm a B cup. *wah*C - Chore you hate: Mopping the floor and dusting.D - Dad's name: Martin EarlE - Essential make-up: I always have to wear foundation if I'm going anywhere. I also like wearing eyeliner and mascara.F - Favorite perfume: I don't usually wear any.G - Gold or silver: Either, but I especially like silver.H - Hometown: Evergreen, AL.I - Insomnia: God yes. I've complained plenty about my insomnia. I'm trying to force myself back onto a decent sleep cycle.J - Job Title: Unemployed slacker/college student.K - Kids: God no.L - Living arrangements: Living with the parents.M - Mom's birthplace: West Virginia.N - Favorite Noldo: Wah?O - Overnight hospital stay: When I was seventeen, I had a detached retina and had to stay overnight after I had surgery on it.P - Phobia: Insects and ghosts. Tee hee.Q - Favorite quote: Random Simpsons quotes...R - Religious affiliation: None for me, thanks.S - Siblings: Older brother and sister.T - Time I get up: Late.U - Unnatural hair colors: I'm naturally dark blonde, and I dyed it a lighter blond a few times.V - Vegetable you refuse to eat: The list of vegetables I *will* eat is probably shorter. :)W - Worst habit: Procrastination, big time.X - X-rays I've had: My ankle when I sprained it a couple of years ago.Y - Yummy foods you make: Chicken dishes, rice dishes. I don't really do a lot of cooking, although I'm pretty good at it when I really want to. Just don't ask me to bake.Z - Zodiac sign: Gemini, sun sign. Aquarius, rising sign. Capricorn, moon sign.

Hi, Lisa. We're going to be in a pie!

Fortunately, this hurricane decided not to hit us. We had pretty bad wind and rain for a while on Monday, and our power was out for a few hours. We were very lucky this time. The people in Mississippi and Lousiana, not so much.I hardly have any time any more to update my journal. My paid account and user pics run out this month. I'm not sure whether I should renew them or not. If my dad fixes my Internet connection at the house like he said he would, I may be able to get online at home again. But that's a pretty big "if".I'll probably renew it just because I love having a pretty paid account and hordes of pretty icons.Meanwhile, the fall season is coming up. What will I be watching? Well, let's see:- Nip/Tuck: I've been catching up with this show on FX. I saw most of season two last year, but after finally seeing season one, and rewatching the second season, I'm dying for more. The new season promo looks really cool and trippy.- Lost: Eh, I haven't been watching the reruns this summer, but I'll be watching in the fall. It hasn't lived up to my expectations, but I'll probably continue watching since everyone else in my family likes it.- Smallville: What I saw of this show last season was pretty underwhelming, but I am excited about seeing James Marsters.- Veronica Mars: This show still hasn't really grabbed me. Most of the episodes I've seen are good, but nothing compels me to watch every week. Sometimes, I forget about it. Is it on tonight? I don't even know. But I will give it the old college try when the new episodes start.None of the new shows look very appealing, but maybe I can find something that'll hold my interest.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Cocaine is a hell of a drug...

Wow. I'm away for a week and a half, and fandom goes bananas. Okay, not really. But apparently I missed out on some interesting discussions and a kerfuffle.The whole cousinjean thing is kinda baffling and disappointing. But I'm sure no one wants to rehash that, so I'm not gonna.Oh, but I do wanna comment on the whole Spuffy traumatizing thing: The only reason I don't ship any other pairing is not because Spike/Buffy made me too afraid to love (another pairing) again. It's because no other couple can match the shipping high I got from them.I need some good Firefly discussion. I really am enjoying the show. I've only seen up through "Bushwhacked" because I'm watching it on SciFi, but I'm spoiled like crazy. I think the show has some really brilliant characters, and it's just classic Joss all the way through. The movie looks awesome too. Guh. Need more Firefly now. I remember watching it when it first aired on Fox. "Our Mrs. Reynolds" was the only episode I watched in its entirety, and I loved it. Unfortunately, I could never really get into the show because Fox showed them out of order, and because I was still angsting over BtVS. I'm glad I have the opportunity to get into it now.ETA: Holy shit! 100 icons!!! Fuck yeah!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Is it just me, or do all these things seem really...lame?

Your priorities change when you're faced with the possibility of a natural disaster. Suddenly, television and movies aren't as important to you. It's truly horrific. I watched Batman Begins, but my attention wasn't really on it, so I'll have to watch it again before I decide to discuss it.And I finally finished watching my BtVS DVDs last week. I had a good cry after watching "Chosen". And this was *with the commentary on*. Maybe one day soon I'll be able to watch it all the way through.Now I'm not a huge season 7 hater, so I get annoyed by all the people putting it down. There are legitimate criticisms of season 7, but I always hate hearing people complain about it because they always focus their negativity on stuff I don't care about. The Beljoxa's Eye? Pfft. That's the least of my problems.So what especially bugged me about this season?1. Too much focus on extraneous characters and storylines - This season started off with strong arcs for Buffy, Spike, Willow, Xander, and Anya. Unfortunately, they were mostly sidelined by midseason to make room for crap like Potential training, Is Dawn a Slayer?, Is Giles the First?, Willow/Kennedy, and Wood's mommy issues. Frickin' Andrew, who was intended for comic relief, had a more emotionally complete story arc than most of our main characters. Plus, there *had* to be a way to make the Potentials and the First Evil interesting. Unfortunately, they didn't find it in time. They focused so much on the gang's interpersonal drama in season 6, and got a lot of negative feedback for it. Maybe they decided they should focus on other things in this season, and ended up tip-toeing around anything that would open up old wounds.2. Too much emphasis on the Big Bad - I prefer the days when each season had multiple character arcs and standalone episodes. In S7, almost every episode dealt with the First. Having all the Potentials inexplicably crammed into Buffy's house pretty much made that a necessity, but... I really preferred it when they learned everything about a major villain in just a few episodes, peppered throughout the season, like the Mayor or Glory. Maybe it was a little too convienient, but we didn't have to hear highly speculative exposition in every episode like with the First. Of course, the First Evil was a much bigger threat, but that didn't make it more interesting.I won't be able to get online until tomorrow, so any further discussion will have to wait until then. :(I'm planning on buying the Killers CD when I leave today. I've almost bought it twice this week. Last time, I almost bought it, but got AC/DC Live instead. But I believe today is going to be the day. When you're relatively broke like I am, you have to consider every purchase very, very carefully. Or maybe I'm just nuts.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Sex Cauldron?! I thought they shut that place down!

Well, I'm back. Our phone line is still not fixed, so I have to update from school. My class starts tomorrow, so I'll be able to come everyday. Hopefully, I'll be able to get online at home soon.It just figures that the few weeks I have for vacation are the exact time that my connection craps out on me. So what have I been doing with all my Net-less free time?1. Reading romance novels: My aunt gave me a bunch of them. Historical romances, so at least I feel a little smart for reading them, even if they all have the same basic plot and characters.2. Watching old movies on TV: My definition of "old" can be anything from 10 to 70 years though. I haven't seen Batman Begins yet, but I did see my original, beloved 1989 Batman on TNT a few times. I used to watch that movie all the time as a kid. They also showed Batman Forever, which was much crappier than I remembered. I probably just liked it because of Chris O'Donnell. My 13-year-old self had a crush on him.Other films I've watched or rewatched: Blade, Bull Durham, Dirty Dancing, Citizen Kane (which I feel much smarter for having seen), Les Miserables (with Liam Neeson, which I also feel smarter having watched).3. Watching Daria It comes on so late at night, but I don't care. I love this show.4. Cooking Man, I've been cooking up a storm. A lot of rice dishes. And chicken, because I love chicken. In fact, chicken and rice is my specialty.Oh, yeah, and my parents finally got a new car. It's a silver '03 Chevy Impala. Our old car was just not gettin' it done any more, and we needed something new.Maybe I should go weeks without posting more often. I seem to have more to say than usual. I miss my friendslist though. :(

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Maybe if you're truly cool, you don't *need* to be told you're cool.

Do you ever feel like a dork because everyone on your friendslist is criticizing things that you enjoy? Probably not, because I tend to be way too insecure for my own good. It's not that I mind it. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and most of the time, I enjoy reading a thoughtful critique. But sometimes when people criticize things I like, I feel defensive (I know I'm not the only one there). And then I feel like maybe there's something wrong with me for liking a tv show/movie/book/band/song/whatever. It's completely irrational. But one thing I discovered very soon after coming online, was that no matter how great you think something is, there is always going to be someone there to tear it down.Things that I like that many people don't:- Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith: Plenty of folks on my friendslist enjoyed this movie. Some people didn't. No big. I really loved it, but I get that it wasn't for everyone. I think it was swsa who pointed out that you're not a true Star Wars fanatic until you've posted a diatribe about how George Lucas destroyed all your childhood memories. So I guess I don't qualify, even though I love the films to pieces (well, at least 4 out of the 6).- Coldplay: Really, it's no skin off my nose on this one. Contrary to what some people believe, they are not my favorite band. Not even close (that would be U2 or Garbage, depending on my mood.) I actually agree about a lot of the recent criticisms - overexposed, overrated, boring. I don't really care for the new single that much, and I don't know if I'll get the new album. But a lot of their songs still speak to me, and I enjoy the band for what they are.- The Great Gatsby: Weirdly enough, my favorite book (at least it was in high school) was the subject in some lj community a few months ago. I admit that the book may be a bit, I don't know, soapy for lack of a better description. But I really loved it. I didn't think it was boring at all, and I actually read it after I saw the movie.- Lost: I really enjoy this show. I mean, it's no Veronica Mars, but... :P I guess I really benefit from being a casual viewer. I don't know much about the fandom, and very few people on my flist still watch it. It's just when people who've never watched it take pot-shots at the show that I get annoyed. It is a bit over-hyped, but that's to be expected - it's a huge ratings success. And I get the feeling that some of the bitterness might be because it's more successful than some other shows that people like more. I'm just sayin'.- U2: I know that not everyone shares in the belief that they're the greatest band in the world. I don't even know if they're the greatest band, but I know I love them. I like their early 80s stuff, I love their more experimental 90s stuff, and I enjoy their current stuff. Some people like to criticize them for straying too far from their roots, but I say, screw that. They should do whatever the hell they feel like.Ah. I feel much better now that I've gotten that off my chest.

The common man kinda blows...

My computer has stopped being insane for a little while, so I've more or less caught up with my friendslist. I couldn't get online for most of the weekend. Very annoying.Because I was bored, I transcribed all of the Ultimate Super Heroes, Vixens, and Villains from the special on Bravo. Feel free to discuss. Or not, whatever dude.Ultimate Super Heroes1. Spider-Man2. Superman3. Batman4. James Bond5. Indiana Jones6. Luke Skywalker7. The X-Men8. The Incredibles9. Fantastic Four10. The Hulk11. Spawn12. Hellboy13. Flash Gordon14. The Mask15. Daredevil16. The Tick17. Austin Powers18. Conan the Barbarian19. Blade20. Men in BlackUltimate Super Vixens1. Catwoman2. The Bond Girls3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer4. Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)5. Xena, Warrior Princess6. Ripley (Aliens)7. Charlie's Angels8. Wonder Woman9. Princess Leia (Star Wars)10. Breathless Mahoney (Dick Tracey)11. The Bionic Woman12. The Bride (Kill Bill)13. Storm (X-Men)14. Felicity Shagwell (Austin Powers)15. Emma Peel (The Avengers)16. Electra (Daredevil)17. Barbarella18. Red Sonja19. Mystique (X-Men)20. Barb WireUltimate Super Villains1. Darth Vader (Star Wars)2. The Joker (Batman)3. The Terminator4. Lex Luthor (Superman)5. Green Goblin (Spider-Man)6. Hannibal Lecter7. Batman Villains8. Freddy Kreuger9. Dr. Doom (Fantastic Four)10. Doc Oc (Spider-Man)11. Chucky12. Dr. Evil (Austin Powers)13. Bond Villains14. Magneto (X-Men)15. The Mummy16. Syndrome (The Incredibles)17. Bullseye (Daredevil)18. Clown (Spawn)19. Dracula20. Jabba the Hutt (Star Wars)

Thursday, August 2, 2007

It'll be just like Swiss Family Robinson! Only with more cursing!

I haven't read many thoughts about the Lost finale because my computer was being annoying last night. So here's what I thought: - OMG, crazy island cannibals kidnapped Walt! And they're going to sacrifice him to their island gods. Creepy.- OMG Sawyer got shot. Damn. I swear if he dies... well, I'll probably still watch, but I'll be pissed.- Charlie/Claire have won me back. They are so adorable, and one of the few bright spots on the island. Ditto Shannon/Sayid, whom I now dub Shanyid. Okay, scratch that.- I love Sawyer and Walt on the raft. "Why are gonna kill him?" "Because I have to." "Why?" "Because!" Hee. So wrong, but funny.- Jack is kind of an ass, making decisions for everybody else. But he's right when he says "Everyone wants me to be the leader until I make a decision they don't like!" So true. I like him and Locke together (though not in a slashy way - my heart belongs to Jack/Sawyer. Heh.)- Jin is very sweet. I never thought I'd say that at the beginning of the season, but there it is. Please save Sawyer from being shark-bait! Waaah!- As soon as Danielle said that The Others needed the boy, I knew they meant Walt, not Baby Aaron. Still, really scary.- What a hole! Anybody wanna take bets on who'll be the first to climb in?- "You've got some - Arzt - on you." Eeeeww. Poor Arzt.- Poor Hurley, having to buy two seats. That was just mean.- Poor Locke, having to be carried onto the plane. By the way, did they ever explain his paralysis? I went to the bathroom during that one episode where he gave his father a kidney, and I feel like I missed something big. Does it have something to do with surgical complications, or is it psychosomatic? Or did they just never tell us?I'm running out of things to say, although I know I'll probably think of more later. I'm not in a hurry for September to get here because I want to enjoy my summer vacation. But I am eager to for new episodes. Waaah! We need a Lost summer season. That would be perfect.