Friday, June 29, 2007

He's a sad, lonely, troubled little boy. He needs to be isolated from everyone.

Okay, I take back every non-worshipful thing I might have said about Veronica Mars. This show rocks.But I'm not gonna become obsessed with it or anything. I'm not. I'm not.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Wherever there is mystery and the unexplained, cosmic forces shall draw me near.

Duchovny Ready for More MulderHuh. That might be kind of interesting. I was never much an X-Files fan after Mulder left, but I would like to see another movie just to see one last great adventure for Mulder and Scully. And there could be smoochies! And hot sex! Whether they ever get it off the ground is another thing entirely.I'd much rather have an X-Files movie than another BtVS, Angel, or Spike movie. See, I was actually satisfied with the way Buffy and Angel ended, and I don't want to see them crank out something sub-par just to satisfy a few fans (most of whom are never satisfied by anything Joss does anyway.)I cleaned half of my room today, and now I'm gonna start on the other half. Dust monsters are threatening to form under my bed if I don't vacuum soon.

Now, son, they do a lot of quality programming too. - BWAHAHAHAHA!

Man, Fox really sucks. It really pisses me off that they cancelled Tru Calling before the premiere of its much improved second season. I wasn't planning on watching the remaining episodes because I hated the first season, but my niece came over last week and wanted to see it. I was surprised at how much more watchable it was. This week's episode was really good too. Dammit, I'm getting involved, even though I know it's not gonna go anywhere.I know Fox has brought back shows before (or a show, Family Guy), but Jane Espenson has already landed a job writing for The Insider, I believe it's called, which is premiering next fall. Then again, if Jane had the chance to go back to a show where she actually got to be executive producer, she would, right? Ah well, it doesn't matter because it would take blockbuster ratings or phenomenal DVD sales for the show to be revived, and it just doesn't have that kind of following.Make fun of me for liking Tru if you want, but it really did have potential. More than Point Pleasant, that's for damn sure.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sure, I'm all dizzy and nauseous, but where's the inflated sense of self-esteem?

I haven't updated in a while (it's amazing how many of my posts start with that), so I figured I'd check in. I've been mega-busy with RL stuff. School mostly. Also, my mother's been sick for the last few months which means that I've got a ton of stuff that I have to do around the house. Right now I have to do the dishes, mop the floor, and wash clothes. And maybe give the dog a bath, if I have time. Plus, I have to fit homework in there somewhere. In short, Spring Break cannot get here fast enough. I need way more than *one* week for vacation.I could cry when I think of all the fanfics I have yet to read, and all the folks on my FL whose posts I wish I had time to comment on. I'm doing my best to keep up with everything though. Sometimes I don't think online stuff should be such a big priority for me, but I'd go even crazier without it.Love to all ya'll.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Oh, yeah! Shake it, madame. Capital knockers!

cindermom: I loved her stories "Slow Motion" and "Roman Holiday".__tiana__: I recently discovered her mega-drabbles, and I really enjoy the diversity she brings to her stories. I'm trying to make time to read her long fics as well.ladyoneill: She's been in the BtVS fandom forever, and is still going! Yay! That's pretty inspirational in and of itself. She writes a lot of different pairings, so some of her stuff isn't my cup o' tea, but nobody writes smut like her. :)mrmonkeybottoms: The Buffybot's answers to Buffy's psych exam in "The Adventures of Spike & Buffybot" is one of the funniest scenes I've ever read. Her stories are pure fun.buffyx: She writes fantastic angst. It's so pretty, it hurts. Her style reminds me a bit of anniesj.Speaking of which, I miss anniesj. :( "The Ballad of Randy & Joan" and the unfinished "Waking the Dead" are still among my all-time favorites.Also, in honor of the Spuffy Kinkathon, I've decided to post a list of my fanfic kinks. A lot of things I like in fanfic are things that annoy other people. Not all, but some of them. Some of these are embarassing to admit:1. Song fics. No, not that kind. I hate stories that are built around song lyrics, or stories that have the character listen to a song and think about what another character means to them, or some bullshit like that. I mean, stories that use songs to help set the mood, or establish a setting. My favorite example is probably anniesj's "The Ballad of Randy & Joan". Also, jodyorjen's "Electrical Storm" and Dare's "The Dark Shades" are part of the reason for my U2 obsession. And cousinjean's "Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground" made me go out and buy that White Stripes album. So, I guess it helps if the author has similar musical preferences to mine. :)2. Wishverse fics. I love AUs that are built directly from canon, whether it's the Wishverse, the Normal Again universe, or a fan-created universe. "The Wish" is my second favorite episode of all time. I really want Wishverse!Spuffy.3. Vamp!Buffy fics. I really like these kinds of stories if they can manage to avoid the pitfalls of vamp-fanon: "mating", "claiming", and the use of "childe" (especially if they're capitalized). *shudder*4. Baby fics: Why do I like babyfics when I don't like babies? There's just something about the idea of Spike as a daddy that makes me "awwww...". And isn't pregnancy supposed to make you horny as hell? That's a pornalicious goldmine right there. :)5. Human AU fics: Yes, a lot of them are badly written. But when I stumble across one that isn't, it's a treat unlike any other. Normally, I don't like the high school ones, but College!Spuffy, Pirate!Spuffy, and student/teacher Spuffy, among others, are always cool.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

In high school I was voted most likely to be a mental patient, hillbilly, or chimpanzee.

Okay. I am very late with the Fanfiction Authors Appreciation Week. Since it's like day four, I'm going to post a bunch of authors to catch up.I read fanfic all the time, although I haven't read as much lately as I have in the past. Still, I read at least a little bit every day. Mostly, I get my fic the old-fashioned way: from fic sites and archives. It's hard for me to keep up with fics on lj, so there are a lot of great lj authors that I am only beginning to discover, but I'm sure I'll get around to them. :)nautibitz: Yeah, I know she's well-known, and everybody has probably read her stuff (numerous times). But there's a reason for it! Nauti does some of the most authentic Buffy dialogue I've ever read. Her dialogue sounds like it could be taken directly from the show's scripts. Plus, her stories are fun! My favorite stories tend to be humorous and sexy, and that describes Nauti perfectly. But at the same time, I'm afraid it makes her stories sound like cotton-candy fluff. They're not. They hold up incredibly well, and I'm sure I'll look back at them years from now, and still love them. It would be hard for me to narrow down a favorite, but it's hard to top "In Heat". I also adore her "Crash and Burn" (I would say that highschool AUs are my guilty pleasure, except that I don't feel guilty about it), "Heart Don't Lie" (ditto with babyfics), and "Wild Things".treacle_a: I read her post-Chosen story "No Mistakes" and loved it. And her current WIP "Mortal Wounds" is even better. She managed to take a character I loathed the concept of (the Immortal), and created a fantastic story. Buffy's slow unraveling of the mystery of what he's done to her and Spike is pretty chilling.fer1213: Bless fer. It's nice to know there are still people out there who are enthusiastic about Spuffy. And it definitely shows in her writing. Her fill-in-the-blank stories are wonderful, and I loved her long stories "When We Fight" and "Third Chances". She writes great dialogue and plot, and even though she doesn't think so, her smut is pretty hot too. :)cousinjean: She manages to write Spuffy stories that would make great novels (if the publishers had any taste). I adore her "Perfect World", "Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground", and "The Butterfly Effect". She has also been overseeing (for the last four years!) the longest fanfiction saga I've ever bothered to read: "Dancing Lessons". I don't usually go for extremely long fics because they tend to become too far removed from canon. But cj always manages to get the tone just right. I can actually believe that her stories could happen in the Buffyverse.More later...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

I am so smart! I am so smart! S-M-R-T!

English GeniusYou scored 93% Beginner, 100% Intermediate, 100% Advanced, and 77% Expert!You did so extremely well, even I can't find a word to describe your excellence! You have the uncommon intelligence necessary to understand things that most people don't. You have an extensive vocabulary, and you're not afraid to use it properly! Way to go!Thank you so much for taking my test. I hope you enjoyed it! Hey! If you liked my test, send the link to your friends. They don't need to be OkCupid members to take it. The Commonly Confused Words Test

I am so smart! I am so smart! S-M-R-T!

English GeniusYou scored 93% Beginner, 100% Intermediate, 100% Advanced, and 77% Expert!You did so extremely well, even I can't find a word to describe your excellence! You have the uncommon intelligence necessary to understand things that most people don't. You have an extensive vocabulary, and you're not afraid to use it properly! Way to go!Thank you so much for taking my test. I hope you enjoyed it! Hey! If you liked my test, send the link to your friends. They don't need to be OkCupid members to take it. The Commonly Confused Words Test

Friday, June 15, 2007

Television! Teacher, mother, secret lover...

I watched more TV this week than I have in a long time. There's sure to be something for everyone here: The Simpsons, Veronica Mars, House, Lost, Alias, Smallville, The O.C.The Simpsons: Lenny + Carl 4-Eva!Veronica Mars: Was pretty interesting. Kristen Bell is growing on me, and I liked the 80s dance theme in the episode. And Logan cries very pretty. The only thing that might possibly prevent me from watching regularly would be having to see Alyson Hannigan again. Yeesh. She was horrible.House: I'm not really into medical shows at all, but I really enjoy House's snarky meanness. It prevents this show from being like all the other boring procedural dramas that I hate.Lost: I missed the first half because I was sick. I did catch the last half-hour, and it was long enough for me to wonder what the fuck these people are smoking. Why would you wanna go out on a raft into the middle of the ocean when you're most likely hundreds of miles from any other land? I'd rather take my chances on Polar Bear Island. I hope I didn't miss any Shannon/Sayid smoochies.Alias: Was actually interesting this week. Sark is back! Yeah. Not much to say, but Sark! Hee. :) As other's have pointed out, why didn't Syd get help for Nadia right away? Maybe they were trying to heighten the tension, or maybe the episode ran short and they had to stretch the scene out. Heh. Dum da dum dum.Smallville: So they're at this Russian gulag or something, and Lana is apparently possessed by some ancient sorceress or something. WTF? Yeah, I was barely paying attention anyway. I haven't caught a new episode in a few weeks, so I really don't know what's going on. Maybe that's for the best.The O.C.: Was good. I mostly watch this show for the music and the funnies. Lindsay leaving, blah blah, Marissa's a lesbian this week, blah blah. Again, I mostly just watch for the funnies, and Seth delivered as usual. Although I have to say I was worried that he was going to fall off the roof, and like, die or something, 'cause it looked really dangerous up there. But I was insanely delighted by the Seth/Summer kiss, not because I care about the 'ship, but because of the Spider-Man homage. Hee!

Interesting poll

makd has conducted a poll on BtVS/AtS fandom, and has been publishing the results in her lj. She just posted the least favorite plotlines in her journal here.Spike Fans' most hated/frustrating/angering plots:21 votes Connor/Cordelia 17 Spike attempting to rape Buffy17 The Pots & Scoobies kicking Buffy out of her home12 The Girl in Question episode/Non-Resolution of A/B or S/B 10 Buffy beating Spike in Dead Things9 Spike hiding demon eggs in As You Were9 Cordelia leaving AtS9 Cordelia ascending to a higher plane8 Buffy leaving Spike in the basement in early season 78 The end of the Dawn & Spike friendship 8 Giles' and Wood's plot to kill SpikeNon-Spike Fans' most hated/frustrating/angering plots:17 votes Connor/Condelia16 Spike attempting to rape Buffy10 Cordelia's pregnancy with Jasmine9 The Girl in Question episode/Non-Resolution of A/B or S/B 9 Spike hiding demon eggs in As You Were9 Tara's Murder8 Lindsey's Murder/Lorne murdering Lindsey7 Cordelia ascending to another plane7 Cordelia leaving the series7 Wesley's deathOverall votes:38 votes Connor/Cordelia33 Spike attempting to rape Buffy23 The Pots and Scoobies kicking Buffy out of her own home21 The Girl in Question Episode/Non-resolution of A/B and S/B18 Spike hiding demon eggs in As You Were16 Cordelia leaving AtS16 Cordelia ascending to another plane15 Cordelia's pregnancy with Jasmine11 The end of the Spike and Dawn friendship10 Buffy beating Spike in Dead Things10 Giles and Wood plotting to kill Spike10 The unexplained Beljoxa's eye plot line9 Eve (fans really did dislike her!)9 Season 4, AtS - What's with that?Number of votes/% of votes for frustration, annoyance, anger, at Cordelia's storyline: 85/240 = 35%Number of votes/% of votes for yadda yadda, at Spike's storyline: 82/240 = 34%Number of votes/% of votes for yadda yadda, at AtS, Season 4 storyline: 95/240 = 40%Number of votes/% of votes for yadda yadda, at BtVs, Season 6 storyline: 72/240 = 30%Number of votes/% of votes for yadda yadda, at BtVS, Season 7 storyline: 44/240 = 18%Number of votes/% of votes for yadda yadda, at BtVS, Seasons 6-7 storylines: 116/240 = 48%If I had voted, I would have probably picked Connor/Cordelia, the Pots and Scoobies kicking Buffy out, The Girl in Question, Spike hiding demon eggs, Cordelia leaving AtS, Cordelia's ascending, Cordelia's pregnancy, the end of Spike and Dawn's friendship, and AtS Season 4.It's interesting. At the time, of course, I hated the attempted rape, and I still wish it hadn't happened. But then I think of all the great post-Grave fics that I've read dealing with it, and I'm not sure I would want to give up all that angst. :)I have to agree on Cordelia though. She was one of my faves and I hated her entire storyline after mid-season three. It's interesting that Spike fans and general fans alike were most frustrated with his and Cordelia's storylines.The Giles/Wood plot to kill Spike? Heh, I kinda love that one just for that moment when Buffy tells Wood that she'll let Spike kill him. :)Also, non-Spike fans seem more upset about character deaths. I'm still amazed at the amount of controversy that surrounded Tara's death. I mean, I liked Tara alright, but she wasn't a character that was anything more than peripheral most of the time. I know, homophobic dead lesbian blah blah. I just don't buy it. If Joss was homophobic, he wouldn't have featured a loving gay relationship on the show for three years.The Beljoxa's Eye? At this point, I'm getting sick of people mentioning this. It's becoming a symbol for just how much S7 sucked in some people's eyes. You know, I could complain about Acathla or the Mayor's Ascension, but I don't because that's not the point of the bloody storyline.I'm not surprised that there's frustration over AtS S4. It was just an incoherent mess. I've been watching the reruns again, and man, it gets more frustrating every time I see some of these episodes (Ooh, look Angelus in a cage! Wow!). I don't think the show ever fully recovered from it.Buffy beating Spike in Dead Things: I didn't hate this plot, I just mostly hated the fact that it was completely dropped in the next episode. Still, I see all these fics where Spike or Buffy brings it up like, a year after the fact, and I think "Do you really believe either of them are still thinking about that?" Get over it.Buffy leaving Spike in the basement: Um, did these people miss "Him"? I mean, I hate the episode more than anyone, but if you really pay attention, you'll notice that Buffy did get him out of the damn basement. *rolls eyes* Like swsa said once, if people had been paying attention in S7, they would have realized that they got pretty much everything they wanted.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

I watched TV all the time when I was a kid, and I turned out TV.

I haven't properly pimped my new icon. It's Spike & Buffy from "I Only Have Eyes for You". 'Cause I love taking B/A episodes and making them all about the Spuffy. :) zoicite made it for me.I watched the last half-hour of Veronica Mars tonight, since I was actually in the mood for some tv, which is actually pretty rare lately. It was alright, although I still don't like the lead actress. Plus, they showed the promo for next week with Alyson Hannigan. So, yeah, they really know how to run me off.I'm watching American Idol right now, or half-watching. I stopped being interested in the show about two years ago. I usually just listen to it when there's nothing else on. House comes on next. I've watched it for the last two weeks just because I'm too lazy to change the channel after AI. It's actually a good show though.(And if I've confused you about how I'm able to watch all these shows without a Tivo or anything, it's because we have Dish Network and the shows come on at all different times. Having east coast and west coast channels has always been convenient. Unless it's after midnight, I don't miss much that comes on in prime time.)And right now I'm looking for Lost fic. Not sure what specifically, but it'll probably be smut. Okay, it'll definitely be smut. :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Oh, dude, Lost was on tonight, wasn't it?

I watched it, I just forgot to post about it.I really want to like this show. There are times I see flashes of brilliance and think, yes, this show is not a complete waste of time! But those moments are few and far between. If I didn't see such potential for this show, I wouldn't care so damn much.So far, my favorite Lost moments have been:* Locke can walk! It's a miracle! A really freaky cool miracle.* Kate and Sawyer shut the hell up and kiss. And it was surprisingly hot.* Island golf! Woo hoo! This is one of the few times it seems the show wasn't taking itself too seriously.* Charlie hanging from a fucking tree! Dude!* Dude, Boone slept with his sister stepsister! And Locke is really fucking psycho! Ah, hallucinogenic goo, that's brings back memories from the good ol' days of The X-Files.And that's about it. I'm sure I'm forgetting a few cool things along the way, but so far, not enough has really *happened*, you know? The really cool moments I mentioned are enough to keep me watching, but not enough to make a satisfying viewing experience.That's right, Lost is a tease.Onto tonight's episode:When they cornered Ethan tonight, I was rooting for them to blow his head off, 'cause that's the only way to deal with psychos in movies and tv. They'll just keep getting right back up if you don't make sure they're good and dead. Then as soon as Charlie actually shot him, I was like, dude, maybe that wasn't such a good idea after all. :P The mystery continues...Is it just me, or were the flashbacks in this one a little extraneous? The reason they worked well on BtVS and Angel was because the backstory usually paralleled and tied-in with the present-day story. And also because they weren't in *every*. damn. episode. I'd like to see just one episode that focused only on the island. Just to mix things up a bit.Since I'm spoiler-free, I was thinking about doing a post speculating about who's going to die by the end of the season, and maybe give Vegas-style odds for each character. I might still do it if I get bored enough. Which is a distinct possibility.