Saturday, July 7, 2007

It's only 5:15. Why are you in your underwear?

I continue to be intrigued, if not hooked, on this show. I'm interested enough to want to watch next season, so we'll see how it goes.First off, that was a lame cliffhanger. It's obviously Wallace at the door. It could possibly be Duncan, but even that didn't seem right, given her reaction. But if it is Wallace, it'll almost seem like a lame cop-out. Like that Friends finale where Ross was about to go into the bedroom - was it Rachel's? Or the bald chick's? And then the next season, we find out they were both in there. Pfft.And I don't wanna get clubbed with mallets, but - I don't get the Logan love. I mean, I like him, but I'm not in love with him. Granted, I haven't seen all the episodes yet, but even in the episodes I've seen, I hear people squeeing about "oh remember that scene where he was at the locker, and he did the thing, and he had that look, and -" And I'm like, no I don't remember that actually. What was so great about it? He really doesn't stand out to me any more than Duncan or Weevil or anyone else.I'm not saying he can't grow on me, but at this point, I actually find Duncan to be more interesting. I'm sure everyone else has a first impression of Duncan being boring. But my first impression was of him being crazy and interesting, and my only really visceral emotional reaction has been to Duncan's freak-out when he thought Veronica believed he was the killer, and the confrontation when Veronica found out they slept together.I guess I don't get the Veronica/Logan thing either. Maybe it's the fact that so many people I know are shipping them. When fellow Spuffy and Mulder/Scully shippers are praising a ship for it's chemistry, it makes me get my hopes up. Frankly, I haven't seen Gellar/Marsters or Duchovny/Anderson levels of chemistry between them. Which I guess is understandable given that they're young and don't have that much experience with acting (and their characters don't - presumably - have that much experience with relationships). It's very rare that I am able to get invested in a tv 'ship at all, but if it makes a good story, I'll stick it out. Which is why, while I don't particularly care about the Logan vs. Duncan arguments, I think it would make an interesting triangle (the only love triangles I enjoy are the ones where I have no emotional investment one way or the other.)Oh yeah, there was a murder mystery too, wasn't there? Heh. I remember someone postulating that it was Aaron, and I can't say that it was really a shock. The guy was creepy. And almost likeably creepy, which makes him even creepier, if that makes sense. This episode would have been better as a two-parter. Parts of it felt majorly rushed. Also, they could have had a perfectly good cliffhanger if they had Veronica and Duncan watching the tapes and seeing Aaron's face at the end of the episode. Then the second part could have the resolution. Like a few others have mentioned, it would have been more interesting, and unexpected, if Aaron hadn't ended up being the killer. Having him go after Veronica just to get the tapes back, and then she discovers that it was actually someone else. I just think that there was way too much in the episode to cram into one hour, but not quite enough for two hours.I know people in both fandoms get irked when people compare BtVS and VM, but I really don't have any other frame of reference that works, so pardon me. I mean no harm. Not that anybody's gonna read this, but just in case. :)


annfang7777yahoocom said...

LOL...I feel the same about Logan. I'm trying and trying to muster up the Logan love, and pfft...not much yet. (My flist would be ashamed of me.) I think he's fascinating, but I'm not in awe. Like you, I'm drawn more to Duncan. I don't know why but not in a shippy way. I dunno. I think the love triangle thing would be interesting! :o) Didn't see the finale yet but don't care if I'm spoiled. :p Guess I'm still stuck in Buffy-verse-land! lol

blgnkblini70 said...

I'm still in Buffyland too, totally. I think some of my Logan problem is that there's so many comparisons between him and Spike, so it sets my expectations too high. If I can learn to appreciate Logan on his own, I'll like him a lot more. :)

exp9singtheleft8o said...

I don't know why you'd be worried people would overreact to your not liking Logan. Heh. Anyway, actually, I like Logan a lot. As a character, I'm very interested in him. As a love interest? Not at all. I don't see the hotness. I actually think the actor kind of sucks at love scenes (and I've thought that with Lilly and with every random girl he's been with). Also? [shallowness alert]I find him a little too goofy looking to really get into him in a shippy kind of way.It should totally be Wallace at the door given Veronica's reaction. However, why make that a cliffhanger? It's just dumb. So for that reason, I'm predicting it's Logan. No, it doesn't make sense at all, but I don't think that will stop them.Overall, I thought the finale was total lameosity, but in a fun, over-the-top way. I totally get this show on that level, and I enjoy it a lot. It's just when I hear how brilliant it is that I get confused. I just don't see it.

v1de7narut02o said...

I don't know why you'd be worried people would overreact to your not liking Logan.I don't dislike him. I just don't see what all the fuss is about.It's just when I hear how brilliant it is that I get confused. I just don't see it.I know. That's why I get a little perverse thrill out of reading the negative reactions about the finale. How sick is it that I enjoy people complaining about a show I actually like? But it was like, finally, somebody admits the show's not perfect.

textier9571 said...

I don't dislike him. I just don't see what all the fuss is about.No, I knew what you meant. I was just joking because of how messy things got over in my LJ when I dared to criticize him.

patrypic3266 said...

Yeah, I'm slow sometimes. I figured that's what you meant. :)