Saturday, July 7, 2007

Watch out, Radioactive Man! The sun is exploding again!

Buffy Rogue's Gallery by lil_fattyIf you like BtVS and comics, then check out these pictures. They are SO COOL. There are also icons here.I'm starting to become obsessed with Buffy comics. It's kinda startling. May require professional help. I'm actually drooling.Also, here's a sweet, dirty little S/B fic: Wet Dreams by whenbuffysmiles.I found all of this through su_herald. So very convenient.


zohnhn17 said...

I saw those pictures by lil_fatty a couple of days ago for the first time, and they really are so very cool. I especially like the Buffy vs. Angelus and Buffy vs. Faith ones. I hope he'll do some more!Do you have the Tales of the Slayers comic yet? That one's really cool, even though it doesn't really have any of the main characters from the show in it. Although there are a couple of familiar faces. And Fray is a definite must have, too. :)

dadydifodnuyouyahoocom said...

I uploaded a bunch of the icons of those pics. I'm not a comic collector, but BtVS lends itself really well to the format.I'm planning on getting Tales of the Slayers and Tales of the Vampires next. I want to get Fray too. I'm really disappointed that they didn't do any late S6 or S7 comics (Dark Willow would have made an excellent comic book villain.)