Thursday, August 23, 2007

Hi, Lisa. We're going to be in a pie!

Fortunately, this hurricane decided not to hit us. We had pretty bad wind and rain for a while on Monday, and our power was out for a few hours. We were very lucky this time. The people in Mississippi and Lousiana, not so much.I hardly have any time any more to update my journal. My paid account and user pics run out this month. I'm not sure whether I should renew them or not. If my dad fixes my Internet connection at the house like he said he would, I may be able to get online at home again. But that's a pretty big "if".I'll probably renew it just because I love having a pretty paid account and hordes of pretty icons.Meanwhile, the fall season is coming up. What will I be watching? Well, let's see:- Nip/Tuck: I've been catching up with this show on FX. I saw most of season two last year, but after finally seeing season one, and rewatching the second season, I'm dying for more. The new season promo looks really cool and trippy.- Lost: Eh, I haven't been watching the reruns this summer, but I'll be watching in the fall. It hasn't lived up to my expectations, but I'll probably continue watching since everyone else in my family likes it.- Smallville: What I saw of this show last season was pretty underwhelming, but I am excited about seeing James Marsters.- Veronica Mars: This show still hasn't really grabbed me. Most of the episodes I've seen are good, but nothing compels me to watch every week. Sometimes, I forget about it. Is it on tonight? I don't even know. But I will give it the old college try when the new episodes start.None of the new shows look very appealing, but maybe I can find something that'll hold my interest.

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