Saturday, August 4, 2007

Maybe if you're truly cool, you don't *need* to be told you're cool.

Do you ever feel like a dork because everyone on your friendslist is criticizing things that you enjoy? Probably not, because I tend to be way too insecure for my own good. It's not that I mind it. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and most of the time, I enjoy reading a thoughtful critique. But sometimes when people criticize things I like, I feel defensive (I know I'm not the only one there). And then I feel like maybe there's something wrong with me for liking a tv show/movie/book/band/song/whatever. It's completely irrational. But one thing I discovered very soon after coming online, was that no matter how great you think something is, there is always going to be someone there to tear it down.Things that I like that many people don't:- Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith: Plenty of folks on my friendslist enjoyed this movie. Some people didn't. No big. I really loved it, but I get that it wasn't for everyone. I think it was swsa who pointed out that you're not a true Star Wars fanatic until you've posted a diatribe about how George Lucas destroyed all your childhood memories. So I guess I don't qualify, even though I love the films to pieces (well, at least 4 out of the 6).- Coldplay: Really, it's no skin off my nose on this one. Contrary to what some people believe, they are not my favorite band. Not even close (that would be U2 or Garbage, depending on my mood.) I actually agree about a lot of the recent criticisms - overexposed, overrated, boring. I don't really care for the new single that much, and I don't know if I'll get the new album. But a lot of their songs still speak to me, and I enjoy the band for what they are.- The Great Gatsby: Weirdly enough, my favorite book (at least it was in high school) was the subject in some lj community a few months ago. I admit that the book may be a bit, I don't know, soapy for lack of a better description. But I really loved it. I didn't think it was boring at all, and I actually read it after I saw the movie.- Lost: I really enjoy this show. I mean, it's no Veronica Mars, but... :P I guess I really benefit from being a casual viewer. I don't know much about the fandom, and very few people on my flist still watch it. It's just when people who've never watched it take pot-shots at the show that I get annoyed. It is a bit over-hyped, but that's to be expected - it's a huge ratings success. And I get the feeling that some of the bitterness might be because it's more successful than some other shows that people like more. I'm just sayin'.- U2: I know that not everyone shares in the belief that they're the greatest band in the world. I don't even know if they're the greatest band, but I know I love them. I like their early 80s stuff, I love their more experimental 90s stuff, and I enjoy their current stuff. Some people like to criticize them for straying too far from their roots, but I say, screw that. They should do whatever the hell they feel like.Ah. I feel much better now that I've gotten that off my chest.

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