Saturday, August 18, 2007

Cocaine is a hell of a drug...

Wow. I'm away for a week and a half, and fandom goes bananas. Okay, not really. But apparently I missed out on some interesting discussions and a kerfuffle.The whole cousinjean thing is kinda baffling and disappointing. But I'm sure no one wants to rehash that, so I'm not gonna.Oh, but I do wanna comment on the whole Spuffy traumatizing thing: The only reason I don't ship any other pairing is not because Spike/Buffy made me too afraid to love (another pairing) again. It's because no other couple can match the shipping high I got from them.I need some good Firefly discussion. I really am enjoying the show. I've only seen up through "Bushwhacked" because I'm watching it on SciFi, but I'm spoiled like crazy. I think the show has some really brilliant characters, and it's just classic Joss all the way through. The movie looks awesome too. Guh. Need more Firefly now. I remember watching it when it first aired on Fox. "Our Mrs. Reynolds" was the only episode I watched in its entirety, and I loved it. Unfortunately, I could never really get into the show because Fox showed them out of order, and because I was still angsting over BtVS. I'm glad I have the opportunity to get into it now.ETA: Holy shit! 100 icons!!! Fuck yeah!


ceciliagztierreu77 said...

Wow. Hadn't meandered over to kantayra's post but I think she's on to something. I think the Spuffy ship has definitely conditioned us as fans to expect the worst as far as our favorite pairings in other fandoms go. And because of this fact I've tried to keep a healthy detachment with my favorite shows of the moment(re:pairings) and I've done a fairly good job. Except with The L Word's Bette and Tina. They completely have me under their spell(thanks in large part to the lovely & brilliant Jennifer Beals and Laurel Holloman) and if they're not able to come back from all of the adversity, I'll die. Well, not really. but I'll be highly upset. Damn those writers. It's like they live to torture us lol.The whole slash(re:Spike/Angel or who ever) and VM thing I don't know. I've never been into slash. Well, at least the male on male variety and that fact hasn't changed since the end of our show. Nor do I watch VM. So that little diddy doesn't apply to me I don't think. But it was an interesting read nonetheless.

eacebioisandalizuyahoocom said...

There was a time that I would have agreed with Kantayra, but since the show ended, I've gotten a lot more perspective on things. Personally, I think it's a little overwrought to talk about "battle scars" and post-traumatic stress regarding a tv show. I won't pretend that I didn't sob, and raise hell over the show during season six, but I still appreciate the story for what it was.Whenever I hear people talk about how they hope Veronica/Logan isn't "ruined" the way Joss ruined Spike/Buffy, I just want to scream: Hey! There's plenty of us who don't think they were ruined at all. There were times when my expectations were met, and there were times they were exceeded, and times I felt let down. But I'm glad they didn't go the conventional route with Spuffy.

aslireofchecrypie97yahoocom said...

Well, I don't think it goes as deep as battle scars or PTS, but it does breed a bit of paranoia, sometimes even apathy; at least in my case. Every one of my favorite pairings, before and after them, has been screwed with in some capacity till they've been almost unrecognizable. I'm just unlucky that way.I don't think TPTB "ruined" the ship either. Although, I can't lie, there were certain things that happened I was bitter about for awhile there. But overall, they told a riveting, honest story. And as much I might of bitched and complained at the time, I don't think I'd have had it go down any other way.

m0t1vatiopnremiere63 said...

I'm often a rooter for the underdog, so I'm often climbing up on my soapbox to make my voice heard over the masses.I'm usually the one hiding under the soapbox. :)They don't seem to be a band that pumps out the CDs for sheer volume and lack of quality, so... I've not dismissed them completely, as some have.Exactly.

stafanoscargette82 said...

HI!!!! *tackles* Where have you been? :o) Good to see you!

screamingveela said...

The only reason I don't ship any other pairing is not because Spike/Buffy made me too afraid to love (another pairing) again. It's because no other couple can match the shipping high I got from them. Spuffy is a hell of a drug.Amen. There's just not another relationship on TV that's as powerful and moving to me, and I don't find that traumatic, I find it amazing.There is good Firefly discussion going on at serenitysummer. One episode every week is discussed, with people contributing fic, icons, vids, etc.

ncoeinetv46yahoocom said...

Still don't have my net connection back up yet. :( Hence the lateness of my reply.

rssagiaceanta said...

Thanks, I'll check that out when I get a chance.